Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Summer Goodness...

In the past few days, I have...

  • Walked across the Brooklyn Bridge.
  • Driven in Manhattan.
  • Been on the Staten Island Ferry at Sunset.
  • Eaten one of the best cheeseburgers i have ever had. ever.
  • Eaten a bowl full of cheeries. A couple of them actually.
  • Seen the ocean.
  • Driven from Brooklyn, New York to Wilmore, Kentucky in one day.
  • Had incredible conversations with my brother about life, family, and God.
  • Been enormously grateful for fun family times.


Sarah Elizabeth said...

sounds like fun! I'm jealous you saw the ocean...I miss it. Can't wait to hear more about your trip=)

JeRRTep said...

I'm not trying to follow you, Honest! I read a really cool posting here a while back written by a great story teller and also a fellow Respiratory Therapist, after that I was hooked...
so I signed on, I haven't been able to write too much lately, but we will both grow in time in this cute little community of bloggers...
"Happy Sunday to ya, and May God richly bless you my beloved!"
-Pastor J. Vernon Magee (one of my favorite pastors now in heaven with the Lord)
aka Jerrtep at blogger...