Monday, August 13, 2007

And then there were three

it's official... we've found a third roommate! and one who is excited about hospitality and living life together.

it's like God planned this all out or something.


Jackie said...

Yay for the third roommate! That's awesome, Maggie. Yet another thing that ends up working out smoothly for you. :)

JeRRTep said...

congrats girl!! did you get a chance to listen to Pastor Paul..not trying to be "naggy" or anything, I just think he's wondeful...
Good luck with the move...Em's wedding is Saturday..wish you could make it, but you have too much on your plate right now it seems...moving is the worst but its also the best...
have fun, don't get stressed, pray a lot and smile!!

oh and don't throw your back out lifting furniture!!

God will pick you up when you fall, but he won't pick up the end of the couch you drop!! ...
see ya

maggie said...

thanks, jackie! i know... it's cool how all this is coming together! and by the way, i'm really glad you were there last night... i was hoping you would be!

sandi.... i know, there is no way i can be at em's wedding, as sad as that makes me! there's just too much happening right now.